For us at McBox, sustainability is the main objective of our concept.
We hope you'll become our client and think of the future, leaving our Planet cleaner and healthier.
1. Life in first place
2. Value our employees and clients
3. Take care of our Planet
4. Act with good ethics
5. To grow and evolve together
6. Make it happen
7. Act with sustainability
To attend with excellence to our clients demands, with the development and offer of products that contribute to better people's lives, generating wealth with sustainability.
To be a reference company in the business, known as the best option by clients, employees, comunity, suppliers and investors for the quality of our products, services and relationship.
Our Company was born in Portugal chasing the dream of revolutionize residential and comercial construction. We put together architecture, inovation, technology and industry. With this thought in mind, we built a house factory. Based on advanced techonological solutions, we have succeeded to build sustainable houses.
At the moment we work in Braga - Portugal and in two cities in Brasil: Barueri, in São Paulo and Caruaru, in Pernambuco.